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With the development of agriculture, even the establishment of more fertilizer factories, I am afraid that it is difficult to meet the market demand. Not only has the price of nitrogen fertilizer begun to rise, you don't need to squeeze your mind any more, you can make your own nitrogen fertilizer at home, that is to say, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, you can make them with your own hands.
In our daily life, we all come into contact with a lot of things, and often some of them can be used directly to make fertilizer, such as grass clippings, bone meal, eggshells, coffee grounds, compost, wood ash, and aquarium water, all of which can be used to make organic fertilizers, and will help with the growth of your plants and the improvement of your soil.
Grass clippings: Grass clippings are an ideal organic material for making compost or mixing with soil to provide plants with the nutrients they need.
Bone meal: Bone meal is rich in minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, and can be used as an organic phosphorus fertilizer to promote plant root growth and flowering.
Eggshells: Eggshells are rich in calcium and can be used to make eggshell fertilizer, which helps to raise the pH of the soil and provide plants with the calcium they need.
Coffee grounds: Coffee grounds are rich in organic matter and nitrogen, and can be used to make organic fertilizer to provide plants with the nutrients they need.
Composting: Composting food waste, discarded plant materials, etc. produces organic fertilizer that improves soil structure and promotes microbial growth.
Wood Ash: Wood ash is rich in potassium carbonate and trace elements and can be used to neutralize acidic soils, provide potassium and help plants grow and flower.
Aquarium water: Aquarium water is rich in organic matter and microorganisms and can be used to water plants, providing them with the nutrients and microorganisms they need.
Making a fertilizer mixture at home is a simple and environmentally friendly process. You can use kitchen and garden waste to make nutritious fertilizers that provide your plants with the nutrients they need. One common method is composting. You can mix kitchen waste (e.g., fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, egg shells) with garden waste (e.g., grass clippings, leaves, flower leftovers). Pile these materials together and turn them regularly to promote decomposition, and in a few months you'll have nutrient-filled compost that can be used directly for soil improvement.
One of the best homemade fertilizers is compost made from kitchen waste and yard waste. This type of fertilizer is rich in organic matter and microorganisms and is very effective in improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility. Apart from this, coffee grounds, eggshells and banana peels are also excellent homemade fertilizer options. Coffee grounds provide nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, eggshells are rich in calcium and help in the growth and development of plants, while banana peels are a good source of potassium and are especially good for flowers and fruit trees. All of these materials are common kitchen waste and can be used as fertilizers after simple processing.
Making liquid fertilizer is a quick way to provide nutrients to your plants. An easy way to do this is to use compost tea. First, you will need to place mature compost in a large cloth bag and then soak it in a bucket of water. Let it soak in the water for a few days, during which time you can stir it occasionally. After a few days, remove the cloth bag and the remaining water will be a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer that you can use directly to water your plants. To prevent the fertilizer from becoming too concentrated, you may need to dilute it with water. Alternatively, you can soak food waste such as banana peels and coffee grounds in water to create a liquid fertilizer with specific nutrients. Using these fertilizers can quickly improve the growth rate and health of your plants.