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Compound fertilizer also refer to as NPK compound fertilizer is composed of three primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Based on the content of the local soil, the vendor may select the ratio of composition that fits the local soil, for example 18-18-18, or 15-15-15. These three elements are present in different raw materials and exist in different forms, bulks, powder…etc.
The most widely known raw material ingredient for nitrogen (N), is Urea, Urea is a widely used nitrogen fertilizer which adopts a granule form, it contains a high nitrogen content and is very easy to be handled and stored, the raw material Urea purchased in the market are in bulks, therefore it needs to be crushed by Urea crusher supplied by TONGLI Heavy Machinery manufacturing Co., Ltd. After being crushed, Urea can be directly used to produce NPK compound fertilizer.
Phosphorus(P) is also and widely known ingredient for making NPK compound fertilizer, it has the effects of helping the root of the plant to grow as well as flowering and fruiting. There are several different sources of phosphorus you can choose to form the market.
SSP: Single Superphosphate (SSP), it is created by mixing phosphate rock with sulfuric acid, TONGLI also provides one step solution for SSP production line.
TSP: Triple Superphosphate (TSP), it is essentially a more concentrated SSP, it is a more concentrated phosphorus.
MAP: Monoammonium Phosphate (MAP) is a type of compound fertilizer that contains both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). It is generated by the reaction of ammonia and phosphoric acid.
DAP: Diammonium Phosphate (DAP): DAP is a compound fertilizer that contains phosphorus and nitrogen. It is produced by the reaction of ammonia and phosphoric acid.
Potassium plays an important role in terms of photosynthesis of the plant. There are several available sources for potassium as follows:
KCL: Potassium chloride (KCL) is a widely used source for making NPK compound fertilizer, it can be found in the mine from natural deposits.
K₂SO₄: Potassium Sulfate (K₂SO₄) is also a wildly known source for NPK compound fertilizer raw material. It can be used when the plant is not suitable with chloride or when the land is excessive with chloride.
In conclusion, there is no definite answer to this question, the raw materials for the NPK compound fertilizer production can be various combinations based on the local soil content conditions and it is highly depending on which corps is grown in that region, the vendor shall always keep in mind that there is no fixed formula for NPK compound fertilizer production, the formula needs to be carefully evaluated after the soil analysis. Here TONGLI will offer you the expert to make you a customized proposal for the whole NPK compound fertilizer production line based on your raw material condition and local corps. And based on your local condition to give you a customized process flow that can satisfy your need. We are constantly improving the formula of NPK compound fertilizer and give you the appropriate scientific recommendations.
This article is authored by full-time technical writer Richard Zhu